Article Submission

Article submission involves creating high-quality content relevant to your blog, business, or product and submitting them to websites dedicated to publishing such texts. Often, businesses seek to post content in high-quality websites or directories that have a reputation. That is because such websites have a huge following and offer a bigger audience than other websites do. The objective of submitting text to these sites is to drive up search engine ranking as well as traffic to your website.

Article submission as Seo Technique

Article submission is one of the off-page SEO techniques that you can use to generate traffic to your website. It helps you attract visitors to your site without having to use Google AdWords or paid ads. You can boost your online visibility by submitting text to the article submission sites. Businesses use article submission sites to post and promote their content on article viewing websites. That boosts their search engine ranking. It also increases traffic to their websites.

A business can further increase it’s brand and product awareness by using relevant keywords. The technique helps grow a business’ following both on the article sites as well as on its website. It generates leads that can translate into sales and revenue. Submitting a well-written article to a submission site can ensure your article ranks on the first page on Google. That is ideal for any business as it creates a presence that can drive traffic to the business website.

As a search engine optimization (SEO) technique, article submission has many benefits for a business. It allows you to run a campaign without spending money on paid advertisements or paying for services like Google AdWords. You get to generate traffic from the websites to your business without a major advertisement cost. It offers you a platform to market and grows your business at minimal promotional costs.

Article submission sites abound. You can choose from a wide range available online. A simple Google search would give you multiple results of sites you can use to post your content. Most of the sites are free although some premium ones charge you to post content. The choice on the site to post your content depends on your goals versus what the site offers.

Article submission is an effective, reliable, and accessible SEO technique. It provides two options that a business may choose. The choice mainly depends on the target audience that the business aims to capture. One may either choose link no-follow or link do-follow. The two options affect how readers are able to follow links in the text published on the article sites.